Today’s smartphone market resembles a lot to someone who is ready to be a part of any workforce. To be very particular about the apps, it’s the dream of everyone to get their app noticed by Apple or Android. It’s the same scenario as in the case of any job aspirant looking forward to submit his or her resume to a potential organization whom he or she have never met but aspire to work with. You have to follow the standard guidelines laid out by Apple or Android and if you successfully beat the first round and your apps gets featured on their panels, then you would be flooded with revenues. Below we have mentioned few of the basic tips how to achieve the success in the above mentioned respect.
1. Be Prepared for the Big Leagues
While targeting Apple or Android, ensure you follow each and every guidelines. You may face rejection in the beginning, but be ready for the improvisations that would come upon you. In order to avoid app store rejection,be very particular about labeling your app beta.
2. Give your App a Unique Name
It is extremely important to choose a unique name for your app because afterwards you won’t be able to change the name as to change the name you need to resubmit your app, which in turn will result, into waste of time, money and effort.
3. High Loading Speed
The smartphone industry lives and swears by the speed and today there is a tug of war between the app makers. The users should get the blazing speed when they use your app. For this, you need to test your app on various instruments and devices.
4. Loyalty is the key
Expressing even the slightest kindness for the rivals can cost you a great amount. You should never and never mention the other apps and brands you support during your showcase. It would result in weakening your position and hence it is a big no no.
5. Ensure Proper Attribution
Use the logo of Apple very carefully and make sure it is there for embedded property like maps. The rules of the Google, too are quite detailed and it is very obvious that the Logo of Apple and Google should be used in a proper way and should not be abused in any manner.
6. Use Standard User Interface
Please abide by the UI guidelines of your app store as this avoids user frustration and helps you keep away from being rejected by the marketplace.
7. Abide by Appstore Guidelines
AppStores have detailed submission guidelines and hence it is advisable to collect all the vital information associated to you related AppStore because having the detailed information about app guidelines can help you in achieving your goals. Once you are through with gathering of all the data and done with the drafting phase, go for – test, test and test.
Launching your App in the marketplace is one of the key factors in success of any app. And, it requires the same dedication and hard work as the other tasks require. Though, the initial steps are always the toughest one in any venture, but as the time passes things keep smoothening once you spend a considerable time and effort. Regardless of the fact, what app you develop, your app needs to leave a deep impact on your users and the above mentioned facts would help you greatly.
AppInventiv Technologies is the top-notch mobile app development company that has expertise in building marvellous mobile apps related to various domains like enterprise apps, travel, hyperlocal, logistics and many more. AppInventiv is also a mcommerce app development company that a great expertise in building m-commerce apps.

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