How much does it cost to build an EV charging management software?

Saurabh Singh June 15, 2023
ev charging management software development cost

According to Gartner, 2023 will be the moment of truth for electric vehicles. The industry is expected to witness multiple new changes, while the thought of reducing the carbon footprint by using a battery-electric vehicle will remain the top choice for consumers and organizations across the world.

The US is expected to hold 14% share of the global EV market by 2030, says Deloitte,  making it one of the most sought-after regions for entrepreneurs and enterprises to set foot in EV charging management software development.

Since electric vehicles are becoming increasingly popular by acting as environmentally friendly alternatives to fuel-powered automobiles, they need a reliable charging infrastructure in order to become the new standard of transportation worldwide. This is where EV charging management software comes in.

An EV charging management software refers to a system that is capable of managing and controlling the electric vehicle charging processes across vehicle platforms and models. Various features of the software that makes it capable of streamlining the EV charging process include payment processing, charging station management, and monitoring, billing management, energy usage monitoring, etc.

The growing popularity of electric vehicles across the globe has eventually increased the demand for EV charging management software that makes the EV charging process rather efficient, convenient, and cost-effective.  These eMobility solutions transform basic hardware into powerful fuel stations, making EV charging networks as common as local gas stations. With the help of EV charging management software, electric vehicles can become a more practical and accessible option for drivers worldwide.

According to a report by MarketsandMarkets, the EV charging station management software ecosystem is expected to witness a market share of $1.6 billion by 2027, growing at a CAGR of 35.4% from 2020 to 2027. The EV charging management software market is expected to grow significantly in the coming years, which is bound to drive the need for efficient management of charging stations and networks exorbitantly.

This article will help you understand everything related to EV charging management software development cost and the factors that can affect it. In addition to these, we will also look at the various features of efficient EV management software as well as how effective EV management software can help your business grow.

So, without further ado, let’s look at the cost to build EV charging management software in detail below.

Get exact cost to build EV charging management software

Understanding the EV charging management software development cost

To give you a brief idea, the EV charging software costs around $40,000 to $250,000. Several factors impact the overall cost of developing the software, such as the hourly rate of development, the underlying technologies, features integrated into the software, the team size for EV smart charging software development, etc.

Also read: How much does a fast-charging system like the Tesla Supercharger cost? 

Even though it is rather difficult to offer an exact estimate of the EV charging software development cost, a highly dedicated organization like Appinventiv, with years of expertise in building similar software, can help you offer an expected budget based on your business’ custom requirements.

Let us now try and offer you an infallible formula that can help you map out the EV charging station management software development cost based on only two factors:

EV charging software cost

Here the total development hours are the time frame that is required to complete the software’s wireframe, design, code, maintenance, etc. The hourly rate of development further depends on the hired software development organization, the details of which will be discussed later in the blog.

Factors affecting the cost to build EV charging management software

In order to set aside the budget for EV charging software development, analyzing the features to be integrated into the software and the technologies that will be used to cater to the said feature list is rather necessary.

Apart from this, it is important to understand that only dedicated EV charging software companies can help you gain maximum returns on your investment while paving the way for the success of your EV charging management software in the demanding ecosystem.

Factors affecting the EV charging software cost:

Software complexity

The overall complexity of the EV charging management software is the major factor that impacts the cost of EV charging network management software development. For instance, building complex EV management software with a highly extensive feature list is bound to cost you more as compared to simple software with minimum features.

Furthermore, it is important to understand that dedicated software with features that have been mapped as per the market requirements and the audience analysis is capable of offering you maximum traction in this competitive ecosystem.

EV charging management software typeEstimated average cost developmentTime Frame
Simple$40,000 to $60,0003 to 6 months
Moderately Complex$60,000 to $100,0006 to 8 months
Highly Complex$100,000 to $250,0009+ months

UI/UX design of the app

For robust EV charging station software development, it is important to have a well-defined UI/UX strategy in place. A seamless UI/UX design is capable of increasing overall user engagement while expanding the user retention rate as well. Since it is necessary to carry out multiple testing procedures to ensure the seamless functioning of a design prototype, the cost of EV smart charging software development can vary accordingly.

Factors that affect the UI/UX design costs during custom EV charging management software development:

  • Visual elements
  • Typography
  • Color psychology
  • Content writing
  • Button placements
  • Branding
  • UI optimization
  • Portrait or landscape mode

App platform

The underlying platform is another factor that affects the development budget. For instance, the budgetary requirements for iOS and Android apps are based on various criteria, such as the time frame required to complete the process, the deployment time, etc. In order to keep the budget optimized as per your requirements, it is recommended to start with a single platform at first and then switch to a cross-platform app once it gains traction in the market after a successful launch.

Team size

The team size of the hired software development agency is another vital factor that affects the EV charging management software development cost. You can either choose freelancers for your project or simply outsource your project to a dedicated software development team. The former can eventually decrease your overall development budget, but their lack of expertise and resources is bound to hamper the quality of the software. On the other hand, hiring a dedicated team like Appinventiv can offer you the much-needed industry expertise at an optimized rate and maximum ROI.

Team size required to develop an EV charging management software:

  • 1-2 project managers
  • 1-2 business analysts
  • 2-3 frontend developers
  • 2-3 backend developers
  • 1-2 designers
  • 1-2 quality assurance analyst

Location of the app development agency

The location of the app development agency is also capable of affecting the development budget for creating EV charging management software. For instance, the hourly rate of development in regions like Asia is comparatively less than in the UK or the US. Here is the estimated hourly rate of development as per various regions:

RegionHourly Rate of Development
Western Europe$80-$90
Eastern Europe$50-$55


Proper software maintenance is a crucial factor that affects the overall cost of EV charging station management software development. It is imperative to take significant actions to ensure the smooth functioning of web or mobile apps on all platforms and to offer optimum performance. Proper maintenance ensures the app’s longevity and provides a seamless user experience. The maintenance cost includes charges required to ensure the bug-free nature of the app, along with charges required to offer app upgrades or implement new technologies as per market requirements.

Tech stack

A strong technology stack is crucial for the success of EV charging software development. By implementing the right technologies, it is possible to gain instant traction in the market and set your business up for future success. It’s important to note that the cost to build EV charging management software depends on the multiple technologies used to implement its features and functionalities.

Tech Stack to create an EV charging management software

Feature List

The feature list is one of the most vital factors that affect the EV charging software cost directly. It is important to understand that a highly complex feature list will eventually cost you more compared to software with minimum features. Nonetheless, having software that resolves the pain points of the EV charging management industry with a dedicated set of features is bound to gain easy traction in the market.

EV charging management software features

The features to be integrated during EV charging station software development should be capable of offering a seamless UX to the customers while maintaining user retention as well as engagement. Here are some of the necessary features to be integrated into a EV charging management software:

EV charging management software features

Energy administration

Users may regulate and monitor the energy use of charging stations through EV charging management solutions. Planning charging periods depending on demand and electricity pricing helps to avoid power grid overload and prevents energy waste. Energy management tools also let EV fleet managers prioritize charging for the most in-need EVs and balance power usage among several charging points.

Payment Processing

One of the biggest barriers to EV charging is payment processing. Charging management systems that include payment processing platforms simplify payment and billing for EV users. Using a number of payment options, such as credit cards, mobile wallets, and membership cards, this feature enables rapid and simple device charging.

[Also Read: Payment Gateway Integration: The Process and What’s Next]

Fleet Management

Commercial EV fleets may manage their operations with the help of EV charging management tools. The ability to track and monitor EV charging, vehicle usage, and maintenance requirements is provided for fleet managers via this function. For the purpose of assisting fleet managers in making data-driven decisions on the deployment of charging infrastructure and vehicle types, fleet management features also provide information on battery health and charging patterns.

[Also Read: How Much Does it Cost to Develop a Fleet Management Software?]

Hardware Monitoring

Real-time monitoring and administration of charging station hardware are possible with EV charging management solutions. With the help of this capability, administrators may monitor the status of charging, identify hardware problems, and improve charging efficiency. In addition to decreasing downtime and guaranteeing that charging stations are constantly accessible, preventive maintenance is also made possible through hardware monitoring.

User Management

User management tools are included in EV charging management solutions, enabling administrators to manage user accounts and restrict access to charging stations. User management capabilities provide authorized users with safe and convenient charging access and can also provide customized charging settings, such as charging intervals and payment options.

Who can benefit from EV charging management software?

The current state of EV infrastructure is fragmented, which creates situations where EV charging management software is not only useful but critical. The software helps manage charging stations, monitor usage, and ensure that charging is done efficiently.

Here is the list of stakeholders that can benefit from the use of EV charging management software

Stakeholders that can benefit from EV charging software development

Business Owners:

Business owners may manage their EV charging stations more effectively with the aid of EV charging management software. It can provide real-time statistics and reports on usage trends, income, and expenses, as well as automate a number of manual tasks, including scheduling and billing. They may further enhance their earnings and optimize their charging infrastructure with the help of a dedicated EV management system.

Fleet Managers:

To monitor and manage the charging infrastructure for a fleet of electric vehicles, fleet managers can use EV charging management software. To reduce downtime and optimize the charging process, the software may define rules and track energy usage. Monitoring and controlling charging operations can help fleet managers ensure vehicle availability and lower operating expenses.

Charge Point Operators (CPOs):

EV charging management software can help CPOs by making it easier to manage their charging stations. With the help of the software, EV charging stations may be managed, monitored, and maintained with less effort and expense. It can facilitate communication between CPOs and other stakeholders and guarantee that EV users have a flawless charging experience.

EV Users:

EV charging management software can help EV users to locate and access charging stations easily. The software provides real-time information on the availability of stations and the estimated time required for charging, reducing the range anxiety associated with driving electric vehicles. It can also offer a mobile app that allows EV users to manage their charging activities, track usage and receive notifications about charging events.

We recently created a mobile app named Bolt Charging Network which is a decentralized EV charging station network located across India. The network is powered by our smart universal charging points which are available for purchase not just for EV owners, but for any individuals who want to install EV charging points in their garages, RWAs, shops, commercial spaces, and so on. Using the BOLT app, EV users today can locate nearest charging points in 300+ cities across the nation.

Bolt screen

Government and Municipalities:

Governments and municipalities can use EV charging management software to manage and expand their public charging infrastructure. The software can help to improve access to charging for EV drivers and support the growth of the electric vehicle market. It can also provide real-time data and analytics to help policymakers make informed decisions about their EV charging infrastructure.

Energy Providers:

EV charging management software can benefit energy providers by providing real-time data on energy consumption and usage patterns. This information can help them to optimize the energy supply to EV charging stations, manage peak demand and reduce energy costs. The software can also help energy providers to plan for future energy needs and support the growth of the electric vehicle market.

Environmental Organizations:

Environmental organizations can use EV charging management software to monitor the growth and impact of the EV market on the environment. They can track the reduction of carbon emissions and improved air quality, ensuring that the EV market aligns with their environmental goals. The software can provide real-time data and analytics to help environmental organizations make informed decisions about the growth of the EV market.

Electric Vehicle Protocols Capable of Optimizing Your EV Charging Management Software

Within the electric vehicles industry, there is a range of protocols available to optimize the EV charging management ecosystem. Adherence to these protocols is crucial for EV companies as they enhance both vehicle efficiency and effective grid load management.

Here are a few vital protocols that must be adhered to during a robust EV charging management software development process:

Open Charge Point Protocol (OCPP):

Open Charge Point Protocol (OCPP) is an open-source communication protocol that enables communication between charging stations for electric vehicles and central management systems. It makes way for interoperability between different charging station manufacturers and network operators.

 Open Charge Point Interface (OCPI):

The Open Charge Point Interface (OCPI) is a protocol that bridges the communication gap between different Electric Vehicle Supply Equipment (EVSE) or charging station operators. It enables EV drivers to seamlessly charge their vehicles at charging stations operated by different companies without using different payment methods.


OpenADR stands for Open Automated Demand Response. It is a set of standards developed by the OpenADR Alliance to enable communication between utilities and end-users for managing energy demand in response to grid conditions.

How Can Charging Management Software Help Businesses Grow?

Here’s how dedicated EV charging management software helps businesses to grow and stay ahead in this competitive space:

Customer Acquisition:

Offering EV charging services can attract a new segment of customers who value environmentally friendly options. EV charging management software can help businesses to target and reach these customers through various marketing and advertising strategies.

Increased Revenue:

EV charging management software can help businesses to maximize their revenue by optimizing charging stations’ usage and pricing. The software can offer flexible pricing models, such as pay-per-use or subscription-based options, and provide real-time data on charging patterns to identify peak hours and adjust the pricing accordingly.

Improved Operations:

EV charging management software can automate several manual processes, such as scheduling and billing, and provide real-time data and reports on usage patterns, income, and expenses. This information can help businesses to make informed decisions about their operations and optimize their charging infrastructure to reduce costs and increase efficiency.

Better Customer Experience:

EV charging management software can provide a seamless charging experience for customers, with features such as mobile apps, real-time updates on charging station availability, and estimated time required for charging. This can help businesses to build customer loyalty and increase retention.

Competitive Advantage:

Offering EV charging services and using EV charging management software can provide businesses with a competitive advantage in the market. It can differentiate them from their competitors and position them as leaders in the industry, attracting new customers and strengthening existing relationships.

Check our custom software development services

How Can Appinventiv Help You Become An Industry Leader?

Now that you have understood everything related to EV charging management software development cost and the multiple factors that affect it, it is now time to hire a dedicated software development team that can help you put things into perspective as per your custom business considerations.

Appinventiv has a dedicated team of expert developers with instrumental experience in improving the EV operations of numerous businesses through top-of-the-line EV charging management software. Our EV charging software development can make sure to offer you a hardware-agnostic product that comes equipped with a plethora of features that cater to every aspect of EV infrastructure.

Get in touch with our team to develop a custom EV charging management system that can help put your business at the top of this budding and environmentally friendly ecosystem.


Q. How to build EV charging management software?

A. Creating a dedicated EV charging management software requires you to carry out the following steps:

  • Define the scope and requirements of your EV management software and determine the functionalities you wish to integrate.
  • Choose a software development platform, such as Java, Python, Ruby, and JavaScript, as per your business requirements.
  • Design the UI/UX of the software and make sure that it is easy to navigate and understand.
  • Develop the software by implementing the code.
  • Test the software across different types of chargers/charging stations and users to ensure that it works correctly.
  • Deploy the software to the production environment.
  • Provide ongoing support and maintenance.

Q. How much does it cost to build an EV charging management software?

A. The EV charging software cost can vary between $40,000 to $250,000 depending on the various features like the location of the software development agency, the tools, and technologies implemented in the software, the feature-set, quality assurance, maintenance, etc. you can get in touch with a dedicated software development team like Appinventiv to get clear cost estimates based on your custom requirements.

Q. How long does it take to develop EV charging management software?

A. The time frame for EV charging software development can vary as per the overall complexity of the software. For instance, a highly complex EV charging network management software development can take around 9 to 12 months. On the other hand, building a simple EV charging software can take around 3 to 5 months.

Saurabh Singh
CEO & Director
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