Deciphering the Augmented Reality App Development Costs, Features, and Process

Amardeep Rawat July 16, 2024
ar app development cost

Augmented reality app development has witnessed unprecedented growth in recent years due to its exceptional capability to blend digital components with the real world. Through the addition of haptic feedback, graphics, sounds, or even smell to the natural world as it exists, AR can integrate digital information with the physical environment in real-time.

Seeing the transformative potential of AR in the digital world, businesses in different industries are keen to build an augmented reality app. However, planning an AR app development project can be challenging, especially when you are not sure how much it costs to develop an augmented reality app and what factors will affect the final cost.

As a forward-thinking business leader, if uncertainties about the custom AR app development costs are holding you back, it is essential to understand the key facts and figures. This knowledge will enable you to make informed decisions and strategically plan your AR development venture.

  • The average cost to build an AR app ranges between $30,000 to $300,000. However, the actual cost may increase or decrease depending on several factors (details later).
  • The global AR/VR market is expected to generate revenue of $40.4 billion in 2024. With an anticipated annual growth rate of 8.97%, the market volume is projected to reach $62.0 billion by 2029.
  • The US is the top revenue generator in this market, with a projected market volume of $10.9 billion in 2024.
  • According to Statista, the number of mobile AR users is experiencing rapid growth and is projected to exceed 1.7 billion worldwide by the end of 2024. This marks a significant increase of 1.5 billion from the 200 million users registered in 2015.

Number of mobile AR user devices worldwide from 2019 to 2024

These interesting facts testify that the AR market has witnessed exponential growth worldwide, with China and the US leading the way in terms of innovation and adoption. Realizing the explosive potential of AR in apps, businesses across sectors have started investing in AR app development. It is certainly a profitable investment that will give wings to your digital operations and take your business to greater heights. 

In this blog, we will discover the critical components influencing the augmented reality app development costs, features, and development process, helping you make an informed and insightful decision.Unlock the Future of AR with Appinventiv

Key Drivers Influencing the AR App Development Cost

When calculating the cost of augmented reality development, you need to evaluate several critical factors. These elements significantly impact the final budget and can help you plan more effectively. Let’s delve deeper to understand each of the cost-determining factors in detail, unraveling the answer to how much does Augmented Reality app development costs:

AR App Development Cost: Considerable Factors

Product’s Complexity and Features

The complexity and functionalities of your AR application are the most expensive parts, impacting your overall augmented reality app development cost. The more complex the features, the higher it will cost. For instance, a complex app with advanced functionalities such as 3D object recognition, real-time tracking, and interactive user interfaces requires more time and cost to develop, while a basic app with simple functionalities costs less.

If you are still unsure how the product’s complexity and features can affect your custom augmented reality app development cost, here is a brief table giving you a general approximation of cost and timeline.

App ComplexityAverage TimelineAverage CostApp’s Examples
Simple AR app with basic features4-6 months$30,000-$50,000
Medium complex AR app with Moderate features4-9 months$50,000-$120,000
  • Navigation apps
  • Training simulations
  • retail experiences
Highly complex AR app with advanced features9 months to 1 year or more$120,000-$300,000 or more
  • AR social games
  • Medical applications
  • Interactive marketing campaigns

Platform Compatibility

Developing an AR app for multiple platforms, such as iOS, Android, and Windows, significantly impacts the overall AR app development price. How? Each platform has its own set of requirements and guidelines, which necessitates additional development efforts, thus increasing cost.

However, to keep the cost within budget, you can opt for cross-platform development frameworks, which allow you to build efficient apps that run seamlessly on multiple platforms. Although they may require extra effort and investment to maintain consistent performance across various devices and screen sizes, this approach is still more cost-effective than developing separate versions of the app for each platform.

Types of AR Apps

In order to calculate the custom augmented reality app development cost, you need to first determine the goals you want to achieve with your AR app. Here are five popular types of AR solutions you should consider when evaluating custom AR app development costs.

Types of Augmented Reality Apps

  • Marker-based AR App: It relies on visual markers or triggers, such as QR codes or images, to activate augmented content overlaid on the real-world scene.
  • Markerless AR Apps: Also known as SLAM (Simultaneous Localization and Mapping), markerless AR uses advanced computer vision, depth sensing, and motion tracking technologies to detect and understand the user’s environment in real-time. 
  • Location-based AR Apps: This type of app utilizes GPS, compass, and other location-tracking technologies to deliver augmented content based on the user’s geographical position. 
  • Projection AR Apps: Projection AR involves projecting augmented visuals directly onto physical surfaces, such as walls, floors, or objects.
  • Superimposition AR Apps: Superimposition AR replaces or augments parts of the real-world view with digital elements. 

Each type of AR app offers unique capabilities and functionalities, catering to different use cases and objectives, thus impacting the overall cost to develop an augmented reality app.

UI/UX Design

Want to increase your AR app’s appeal and user engagement? Then, you must invest in crafting intuitive and visually appealing UI/UX. A high-quality design with amazing graphics and an easy-to-navigate interface can significantly increase your user experience and retention rate. However, it will also raise the AR app development price.

The Tech Stack

The choice of technology stack is a vital component influencing your AR app development costs and timeline. Whether opting for widely adopted frameworks like ARKit, ARCore, or more specialized tools, the decision significantly impacts your app’s performance, scalability, cost and timeline. Therefore, it is important to select the right tech stack that aligns with your project’s requirements and budget constraints from the outset.

Here is a table outlining common technologies used in AR app development, their key features, and supported platforms to help you make a right decision:

TechnologyKey FeaturesPlatform Support
  • 3D motion tracking,
  • Environmental understanding
  • Face tracking
  • Motion tracking
  • Environmental understanding
  • Light estimation
  • Image recognition
  • Object tracking
  • AR cloud
iOS, Android, Windows
  • Shared augmented reality experiences.
  • Scalable performance, GPU capabilities.
  • Geo-based AR app
  • Image recognition
  • 3D model rendering
iOS, Android
  • Markerless tracking
  • 3D rendering
  • Image recognition
iOS, Android
  • Computer vision library for AR feature development
iOS, Android, Windows, Linux

Development Team’s Skill and Location

The skill level and geographical location of the AR app development company can directly impact the cost of AR app development. Factors such as the accessibility to skilled developers and economic conditions vary significantly between regions, thus influencing project expenses. Therefore, you must be well aware of the development rate of each region when evaluating your AR app development cost.

To help you make an informed decision, here is a brief table highlighting the cost of AR app development in top regions.

RegionPrice Range
North America$40–250/hr
Western Europe$35–180/hr
South America$25–120/hr
Eastern Europe$25–110/hr
India and Asia$20–80/hr

Formula to Calculate AR App Development Cost

Build Your App with Compelling AR Features that Your Customers Will Fall in Love with

Building a cutting-edge AR app requires integrating a range of features that enhance user engagement and functionality. Here is a detailed look at the list of essential and advanced features of an AR application that collectively take your business to the next level.

Basic AR App Features

Here is a list of some must-have features that meet the fundamental functions of mobile apps and are essential for MVP development.

Essential Features of AR App Development

Built-in Integrations

Built-in integration is a must-have feature that connects AR apps with other platforms, services, or technologies. This feature enables users to access additional functionalities such as payment gateways for in-app purchases, social media sharing, compatibility with IoT devices, etc.

Push Notifications

Imagine your users getting real-time updates about your new launches, promotions, events, etc. in real-time? Push notifications bring these possibilities to life, notifying users about relevant updates based on their preferences and interaction history.

Fast-Loading Time

It is one of the most essential features of AR apps, ensuring that your app loads quickly and minimizing wait times. Fast-loading times eliminate delays, providing a responsive and enjoyable user experience that keeps them immersed in the action without interruptions.

Location-Based Services

Location-based services (LBS) enable AR apps to deliver personalized user experiences based on the user’s geographical location. This feature uses GPS, beacon, Wi-Fi, or other IoT technology to provide relevant information, AR overlays, or location-specific offers.

Search Options

Enable your users to easily find what they are looking for with intuitive search tools that let them discover specific products, information, or AR content within the app. Search bars, filters, and sorting features facilitate quick navigation, making it effortless to explore and retrieve relevant content that matches their interests.

Strong Data Protection

Rest assured, knowing that your valuable business data is protected is protected with robust data protection measures. Encryption, secure authentication, and compliance with strict data protection regulations (such as GDPR or CCPA) ensure that your data remains private and secure within the AR app, prioritizing your peace of mind.

Advanced AR App Features 

Advanced features are optional and completely up to you whether you want them to integrate into your AR application or not. However, these advanced functionalities offer exceptional value to users, enhancing their engagement and experience.

Advanced Features for AR App Development

AI Support

Artificial intelligence comes to the rescue when AR is not enough to meet digital demands. While AR is an amazing technology, leveraging AI enhances your AR app functionalities with advanced capabilities such as object recognition, natural language processing (NLP), and predictive analytics

Chatbots and Virtual Assistants

AI-driven chatbots and virtual assistants enable real-time interaction and support within AR environments. These AI tools deliver personalized responses and address queries in real time, providing instant assistance and enhancing user engagement.

IoT Integration

By connecting your AR app with IoT devices, you can unlock new levels of interaction and functionality. IoT integration enables real-time data exchange and enhanced interactivity, bridging digital experiences with physical surroundings for innovative user experiences.

Multilingual Capability

By integrating multilingual features within your app that deliver content in multiple languages, you can engage global audiences and expand your reach. By supporting diverse language preferences, AR apps can enhance user accessibility and personalize interactions across international markets.

3D Models

Bring products to life with compelling 3D models that enhance storytelling and engagement in AR apps. Whether for entertainment, eCommerce, educational simulations, or marketing campaigns, dynamic 3D animations captivate users with lifelike movement and visual narratives. Unsurprisingly, high-quality 3D models of your digital products in users’ physical environments decrease cart abandonment rates and increase conversion rates.

Also Read: Discover Limitless Business Opportunities with Innovative Metaverse 3D Space Development

You can start with an MVP and build your AR app with essential features. After the MVP launch, you can wait for your users’ feedback and implement advanced features later for iterative improvement and elevated app performance.

How to Make an Augmented Reality App: Step-by-Step Guide

Creating an augmented reality app is a complex and challenging journey involving several stages. Here is a step-by-step guide to help you navigate the augmented reality app development process:

Augment Reality App Development Process

Conduct In-Depth Research

The first step of the augmented reality app development process starts with creating an action plan for your product. This action plan can have the following steps:

  • Market research – Discover the markets to understand current trends, popular applications, and potential gaps in the market.
  • Analyze Competitors – Study existing AR apps to identify the strengths and weaknesses of your competitors.
  • TA research: Identify your target audience and understand their needs, preferences, and pain points.
  • USP creation – Based on the collected data, determine the purpose of your AR app. Define what will make your app unique and how it will stand out in the market.

Outline App’s Functionalities

Define the core functionalities and features your AR app will offer. First, decide on the primary AR capabilities, such as object recognition, motion tracking, and environment mapping. Based on your budget and project demand, consider additional features like social media integration, payment gateways, or compatibility with IoT devices. 

Design the UI/UX

Creating an intuitive and visually appealing UI/UX is a vital part of AR app development. At this stage, the skilled designers craft wireframes and prototypes to visualize your app’s user interface (UI) and interactions.

Develop the App

This is the central step of the AR app development process that will bring your vision to life. At this stage, your AR app development company will develop the front-end and back-end of your product, implement the visualized features, and integrate robust security measures to protect user data and comply with privacy regulations.

Test the App

Before bringing your product to the market for end users, your developers test it against performance, usability, scalability, and reliability measures to evaluate the overall user experience of your AR app. They verify that the app performs seamlessly across various screen sizes and operating systems.

Deploy the App in the Desired Environment

After thorough testing and quality assurance, it is time to submit your app to the App Store and Google Play Store, adhering to their guidelines and requirements. This final step also includes weaving a launch strategy to maximize the app’s visibility and downloads.

Maintain the App

After the successful launch, a reliable app development company (like Appinventiv) also provides post-launch support and maintenance services to ensure the long-term success of your AR app. It includes regularly monitoring your app, addressing user-reported issues, adding new features, fixing bugs, and releasing timely updates to ensure uninterrupted and up-to-date app performance.

Also Read: A Step-by-Step Guide On Mobile App Development Process

Elevate Your Digital Presence with AR services

Industry-Wise Use Cases and Examples of AR App Development

As augmented reality in app development continues to evolve, businesses across industries leverage its potential to enhance user experiences and streamline operations. Here are some notable examples of how AR apps are transforming different sectors.

Retail and eCommerce

AR in retail and eCommerce enhances the user experience by enabling virtual try-ons, visualizing products in home settings, and accessing detailed product information through AR labels. These advancements lead to increased customer engagement, increased conversion rates, reduced return rates, and strengthened brand loyalty.

Example: IKEA, the world’s largest furniture retailer, uses AR in retail, letting users visualize their vast range of furnishing items in their homes before making a purchase.

Also Read: How Appinventiv helped IKEA build an ERP solution.

augmented reality app development


Transform education with immersive learning experiences that allow students to explore historical sites and grasp complex concepts through interactive 3D visualizations. AR in educational apps improves knowledge retention, increases student engagement rates, and caters to personalized learning needs.

Example: Google Expeditions brings AR into classrooms, offering students immersive virtual field trips to explore historical sites and natural wonders.


AR in healthcare facilitates advanced medical training, patient education, medical imaging, and precise surgical planning by utilizing 3D models to explain intricate medical procedures and treatment effects, detailed anatomical visualizations, and AR-guided procedures. This technology enhances training effectiveness, patient comprehension, and surgical accuracy.

Example: AccuVein demonstrates the transformative use of AR in healthcare, using augmented reality to help medical professionals locate veins for accurate injections and blood draws.

Fashion and Beauty

AR in the fashion and beauty industry offers contactless product exploration and facilitates users’ informed choices. AR apps allow fashion lovers to virtually try on clothing, accessories, and makeup, ensuring the perfect fit and style without ever entering a store. This advanced approach provides a personalized shopping journey and revolutionizes the shopping experience. 

Example: MAC Cosmetics, a leading beauty brand, allows users to try on makeup virtually, offering users an interactive and contactless way to explore its vast range of latest beauty products from their phones.

AR in the beauty industry

Real Estate

Real estate is one of the most profitable industries, reaping the benefits of augmented reality app development. AR in real estate offers virtual property tours, visualizes renovations, and explores neighborhoods in immersive 3D environments. This innovative approach increases property inquiries, reduces time-to-sale, and improves customer satisfaction.

Example: Zillow 3D Home allows buyers to take detailed virtual tours of properties from anywhere.


AR in gaming transforms the entire gaming experience. Augmented reality in apps creates interactive, location-based games that seamlessly blend digital elements into the physical world. These games deepen player immersion, improve social interactions, and extend gameplay possibilities beyond traditional boundaries.

Example: Pokémon Go stands as the quintessential example of an AR gaming app, allowing users to immerse themselves in the Pokémon universe right on their phones.

You may like reading: AR/VR Trends and Predictions For The Upcoming Years

Unlock the Potential of AR App Development with Appinventiv

Whether enhancing retail experiences, revolutionizing education, transforming healthcare, or optimizing manufacturing, AR in apps is reshaping industries and elevating user engagement to new heights. Accordingly, businesses worldwide are evaluating the cost to develop an augmented reality app and capitalize on this growing app trend. 

As companies increasingly integrate augmented reality in apps, partnering with a reliable AR app development company like Appinventiv is essential to leverage its potential to the fullest.

With a team of 1500+ tech evangelists and a proven track record in delivering 3000+ tailored solutions, Appinventiv emerges as a trusted tech partner that ensures your AR project not only meets but exceeds expectations. By leveraging our expertise and commitment to innovation, you can unlock new opportunities, captivate audiences, and achieve enduring success in the dynamic realm of digital transformation.

So, what are you waiting for? Reach out to us now and get a detailed quotation for AR app development cost and timeline.


Q. How much does it cost to develop an AR VR app?

A. AR app development cost can vary widely based on the product’s complexity, features, platform compatibility, tech stack, and development team location. On average, the cost to develop an augmented reality app ranges between $30,000 to $300,000 or more, depending on your unique project requirements.

Want to get a more precise estimate for the AR app development price? Discuss your project idea with our AR experts and get a detailed quotation.

Q. How long does it take to build an AR app?

A. The timeline required to build an augmented reality app varies depending on its complexity, features, and various other components. Typically, a simple AR app with limited features can be developed in 4-6 months, while a more complex app with advanced features takes 6 months to a year or more for its complete development.

Reach out to our skilled AR developers for a detailed assessment of both the timeline and cost of augmented reality development.

Q. What are augmented reality app development benefits?

A. Augmented reality app development offers several benefits that enhance user experiences and provide unique advantages to businesses across industries. Here are some key benefits of augmented reality app development:

  • AR apps help streamline processes, improve workflow efficiency, and reduce errors through real-time data overlays.
  • Augmented reality in app development improves user engagement, which leads to increased ROI.
  • AR combines physical and digital experiences, providing an immersive, lifelike experience.
  • Businesses need AR apps to make their work faster and error-free.
  • AR empowers your users to make rapid decisions and increase conversion rates.
  • AR facilitates remote collaboration by overlaying virtual elements onto shared environments.
Amardeep Rawat
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