How We Solve the Digital Transformation Challenges Pulling Your Business Down

Saurabh Singh July 15, 2024
digital transformation challenges

A recent report by Riverbed stated that out of the 1000 business decision makers whom they surveyed, 98% agreed that the success of a company lies in delivery of digital apps and services. But over 95% entrepreneurs admitted that they are continuously encountering challenges with the adoption. 

The companies who are aware of the growing importance of offering a successful digital experience reported these statistics for measuring success:

  • 53% felt satisfaction and user experience defines success
  • 49% felt greater market agility defines success 
  • 49% believed success is measured through increased profit & revenue 
  • 49% believed greater employee productivity is the right measure
  • 48% believed a faster time to market is the accurate measure. 

*source: Riverbed

The general consensus, as you could gauge from these numbers, is that almost all the modern-day entrepreneurs understand the need for digital transformation solutions. But they also understand that there will be multiple digital transformation challenges standing in the way. 

Here are some of the biggest transformation problems that they foresee themselves encountering or have already encountered in the efforts to be a digitally forward business – 

  • Budget limitations 
  • A very complex legacy infrastructure 
  • Lack of knowledge around end-users’ digital experience 
  • Absence of digital initiatives prioritization 

digital transformation challenges by company size

The image above is a sign that everyone is in this together. 

Having worked with more than 800+ clients with their set of individual business transformation challenges and objectives, we have gotten acquainted with all the commonly occurring issues. The knowledge has helped us set a number of our clients as a digital friendly brand. 

Here are some of the commonly occurring challenges with digital transformation and their Appinventiv backed solutions. 

Challenges Impacting Enterprise Digital Transformation

1.  A Non-Digital Organization Culture 

The culture present in an organization tends to be one of the biggest roadblocks to complete digital transformation. At times, even with a well-strategized digital transformation plan, it can get very difficult to govern an organization-wide change. 

Failure on the employer’s part to communicate the need for digital transformation can lead to a lot of resistance in the organization. 

Appinventiv Solution: We understand that workplace challenges are one of the key challenges of digital transformation. While adapting to a new culture is still fairly easy on a startup level, companies with a legacy system find it difficult. As a business, it is necessary to encourage your stakeholders to get acquainted with the digital tools, solutions, and technology. These are what would help you persuade the entire workforce during the seemingly difficult transformation phase. 

Also Read: How Digital Technologies are Revolutionizing Exploration and Production in the Oil and Gas Industry?

2.  Lack of Digital Skill-set

An absence of IT resources and resource management strategizing are one of the key challenges to digital transformation. It is in fact, undeniable that there is a lack of digital workforce. As an effect of this, there are also serious misconceptions around ERP software development cost

Appinventiv Solution: The only solution to this problem is to partner with digital transformation solutions company that would sail you through the different complexities and the solutions to multiple challenges for digital transformation adoption. As a part of our digital transformation consulting services, we start with analyzing the problem set a business is facing and make stage wise adoption plans.

talk to Appinventiv digital transformists 

3.  Lack of an Understanding Around Digital Security 

Data security is one of the biggest digital challenges that entrepreneurs think of when they plan on adapting transformation practices. What makes it all the more difficult is, is that the industry is constantly changing and is heavily dynamic. So, the security strategy that is applied today may or may not work in the next quarter. 

factors for achieving digital transformation

Appinventiv Solution: We solve this enterprise challenge by following a security-first model. When we develop mobile apps to advance a business’s digital transformation effort, every single of our code lines is embedded with security measures. Additionally, we deploy stringent security control access cloud, public, and internal environments. 

We understand how organization’s tools are becoming more engaged, connected, and mobile. And with that understanding, we deploy an end-to-end, policy driven security approach for securing every aspect of the value chain. 

4.  Limitations of Agile Transformation

An agile transformation lies at the center of digital and scaling is the prerequisite for all the successful digital transformation practice in a large enterprise. But, becoming agile before embarking on a digital transformation journey can be a roadblock which could make organizations face failure in the agile transformation process. 

Appinventiv Solution: We follow three parameters for scaling the agile abilities – efficient release management, flexible architecture, and agile teams. Here’s a visual representation of our enterprise agility planning process – 

enterprise agility process

5.  Ever-changing Customer Experience 

The world we are presently living in is known to belong to an experience economy. The customers value experience more than anything else from a brand. While businesses theoretically understand the importance of using technologies like AI for a good customer experience and how it affects their business longevity, the problem is that they have less time to adapt to the ever growing changes. 

Appinventiv Solution: The first step of our digital transformation strategy consulting is to work our way up from the bottom. Our goal is to focus on the customers’ journey by optimizing all the touchpoints. Every element of our digital transformation of customer experience effort is aimed at helping you build a business that puts customers at the middle of everything else. 

6.  Being Married to the Legacy Architecture 

The actual success of the digital transformation lies in adopting interconnection bandwidth and offering the exact same service and products even when the legacy system is being replaced by their digital counterpart. But this pursuit to success is also, however, one of the biggest challenges of digital technology.

Appinventiv Solution: The answer to making a transition from a legacy system lies in stage wise migration. Instead of moving the entire system to a digital mode, we start by dividing the project into modules. And then go around with shifting the modules one after another on digital. 

Getting Started With Digital Transformation

Let’s assume you are one of those visionaries who understand the dire need of shifting towards digital transformation and the solutions we have mentioned seems feasible. The next step, however, would be to get started with digital transformation. 

You may also want to read, how digital transformation can reduce your business cost to gain further insights.

Making transitions easy

All the smooth transitions are based on an enthusiastic, accepting corporate culture. Information sessions and early training can help employees understand the goals of the incoming system and can smoothen its ultimate adoption. 

A lot of assessment

The future digital functioning very rarely translates into the current function capabilities. You should review all the projects, processes, and programs which would determine how they would function in a  revised enterprise. Ultimately, businesses need to understand that the obsolete legacy structure can rarely give way to digital adoption. 

FAQ About Enterprise Digital Transformation

Q.  Why do digital transformation efforts fail?

There are a number of reasons behind digital transformation not keeping up to its expectations or not delivering the intended ROI. Reasons shared by a number of digitalization consulting firms. Here are some of them: A Non-Digital Organization Culture, Lack of Digital Skill-set, Lack of an Understanding Around Digital Security, Limitations of Agile Transformation, Being Married to Legacy Architecture, and Ever-changing Customer Experience. Connect with a leading digital transformation solutions company to know more.


Saurabh Singh
CEO & Director
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