How Much Does It Cost to Build an App in Australia?

Sudeep Srivastava July 18, 2024
mobile app development cost in Australia

With over 21.6 million active smartphone users in Australia, mobile apps are an essential aspect of everyday life. Accordingly, more and more businesses are jumping on the bandwagon and creating their own apps. With an estimated 3.3 million apps available on the Google Play Store and 2.2 million on the Apple App Store, mobile app development has become a cornerstone for businesses aiming to enhance their digital presence and engage with customers in innovative ways. In this whopping number, around 58% of apps are from Australian publishers.

Apps Available on Both Stores

Not only this, a similar report from Business of Apps estimates that the Australian app market has experienced steady growth in the past few years, reaching $2.6 billion in mobile app revenue in 2023, up from $2.4 billion in the previous year. This represents an average user spend of $120.30. Moreover, the number of apps downloaded in Australia reached 1.1 billion in 2023.

Therefore, witnessing the exceptionally high smartphone penetration and app adoption with a usage rate of 82.2% in 2023 in the Aussie market, launching an app can be both rewarding and potentially a daunting journey for you.

But fret not! If you have a brilliant app idea and are wondering how much does cost to develop a mobile app in Australia, we are here to help. Don’t let the financial unknowns hold you back!

To give you a quick insight, the average cost to build an app in Australia can range from $25,000 to $300,000 or more, depending on various factors (details later).

In this blog, we will focus on the pressing question, “What is the cost of mobile app development in Australia?” We will also discuss the factors directly impacting mobile app development costs in Australia and offer some pro tips for delivering a budgeted yet high-end mobile application for your business.

Connect with us to get a more accurate estimate for building an app in Australia

Factors Affecting Mobile App Development Costs in Australia

The world of mobile apps has never been so big, with a growing number of businesses leveraging digital platforms like mobile and web apps to reach their audience. From eCommerce and mobile games to social media, food delivery, and educational tools, there is an app for nearly every need. However, the cost of developing such applications is influenced by several critical factors. Let’s delve into the major elements determining the cost of mobile app development in Australia.

Considerable Factors Influencing App Development Cost

App Complexity & Features

The features and functionalities of an app play a crucial role when calculating the cost to develop a mobile app in Australia. Features such as an AI-driven chatbot, security measures (data encryption, user authentication), push notifications, search & filter, virtual try-ons, third-party integration, etc., all contribute to the app’s success and app development cost. The more intricate and feature-rich the app, the higher the development cost.

Here is a brief table outlining the mobile app development cost breakdown in Australia based on its complexity and features.

App ComplexityAverage TimelineAverage Cost of Mobile App Development
Simple App with Basic Features4-6 months$30,000-$80,000


Medium Complex App with Moderate Features6-9 months$80,000-$200,000 (AUD120,000-AUD300,000)
Highly Complex App with Advanced Features9 months to 1 year or more$200,000-$300,000 (AUD300,000-AUD450,000)

Platform Selection

Not sure whether to develop the app for iOS, Android, or both? Well, before you make a decision, keep in mind that your choice of platform also affects the overall cost to make an app in Australia. Developing a cross-platform app is a cost-effective solution for businesses needing presence on both iOS and Android, as it eliminates the need for separate development processes, saving time and resources.

According to Statista, Android operating systems dominate the smartphone market with a 52.9% market share in Australia. While Android has been the primary mobile phone operating system, iOS has been steadily gaining ground with over 47% of the market share.

Market share held by smartphone operating systems in Australia from 2012 to 2023

UI/UX Design

UI/UX design of an app plays a crucial role in determining the app development cost. High-quality, custom designs with visually appealing graphics, advanced animations, and intuitive interface not only enhance the app’s appeal but also increase the design and development time, leading to higher costs.

Development Team Location

The location and expertise of the development team are key mobile app development cost factors. Hiring developers based in Australia typically results in higher costs due to the country’s high living standards.

On the other hand, choosing to outsource app development to countries in regions such as Asia, Africa, or India can result in significant cost optimization. This strategic move allows companies to leverage the diverse talent pool and competitive pricing available in these regions while maintaining high standards of development.

RegioniOS (Avg. $/1Hr.)Android (Avg. $/1Hr.)Cross-platform (Avg. $/1Hr.)

Development Team’s Experience & Expertise

The expertise and experience of the app development company also impacts costs. An award-winning IT company with highly skilled developers might cost a little extra than an average development firm. However, the product quality they offer far outweighs the initial development cost. Remember, the selection of the right app development company can significantly influence the project’s timeline, cost, and, of course, the app’s quality.

Tech Stack

The choice of tech stack (programming languages, frameworks, and tools) is a critical component that can directly impact the app development cost and timeline. For instance, using popular frameworks and technologies like React Native or Flutter can offer cost savings by enabling simultaneous development for multiple platforms compared to native development for each platform separately.

You may like reading: Native vs. Hybrid Mobile App Development

Regulatory Compliance

Ensuring compliance with regulatory requirements, such as HIPAA in healthcare, GDPR in data privacy, WCAG in accessibility standards, PCI-DSS in finance, etc., is one of the most integral steps of the app development process. In Australia, compliance with the Privacy Act 1988 is essential, especially for apps that handle sensitive user data.

Adhering to legal and industry regulations requires additional development efforts and time, thus increasing the development cost. Even if adherence to regulatory compliance can potentially increase mobile app development costs in Australia, you must prioritize this component to protect user data and avoid costly issues in the future.

App Type

The app type is probably the most significant factor impacting the mobile app development cost in Australia. For instance, healthcare apps like Health–People need to integrate with medical databases and comply with stringent data privacy regulations, adding to their complexity and expense.

Finance apps require stringent security measures to secure transactions, making them more costly to develop. An eCommerce app like Costco or 6 Street requires intricate features such as product listings and user reviews, which can drive up costs.

Thus, each app type, from social media networks to educational platforms and beyond, has unique requirements that impact the overall cost to develop a mobile app in Australia. Here is a brief table illustrating the estimated cost and timeline for developing different types of mobile apps in Australia

App TypeEstimated Cost RangeEstimated Timeline
eCommerce App like Target$40,000 – $120,000, nearly AUD 61,600 – AUD 184,8004 – 10 months
Healthcare  App like Patient Access$50,000 – $140,000, nearly AUD 77,000 – AUD 215,6006 – 9 months
Finance App like Monzo$45,000 -$120,000, nearly AUD 69,300 – AUD 184,8004 – 7 months
Social Media App like Instagram$40,000 – $100,000, nearly AUD 61,600 – AUD 154,0004 – 6 months
Education App like Duolingo$40,000 – $110,000, nearly AUD 61,600 – AUD 169,4004 – 6 months
Gaming App like PUBG$60,000 – $200,000, nearly AUD 92,400 – AUD 308,0004 – 8 months
Food Delivery App like Uber Eats$40,000 – $150,000, nearly AUD 61,600 – AUD 231,0004 – 9 months
Entertainment App like Netflix$50,000 – $150,000, nearly AUD 77,000 – AUD 231,0004- 8 months

App Maintenance Cost

The total cost to develop a mobile app in Australia also includes the post-launch support and maintenance costs, ensuring long-term success and uninterrupted app performance. Thus, ongoing maintenance for bug fixes, new feature additions, and regular updates should also be taken into account when evaluating the budget for app development. As per industry standards, you should allocate around 10% of your total budget for mobile app maintenance costs in Australia.

Real-World Examples of Some Popular Apps with Their Key Features and Cost Estimation

To help you gain an in-depth understanding of custom app development costs in Australia, below, we will dive into some examples of popular mobile apps across various industries, outlining the key features, average timeline, and cost estimate for app development. Understanding these core elements of industry-wise apps can provide valuable insights for planning your budget for app development.

Finance App like Edfundo

Edfundo, the world’s first financial education app for kids, provides tools for managing allowances, budgeting, and saving. It integrates educational content with practical financial management tools to promote responsible financial behavior in children from an early age.

Estimated Development Cost: $40,000 – $100,000, nearly AUD 61,600 – AUD 154,000

Estimated Timeline: 6 – 9 months

Key Features: Budget creation, expense tracking, financial education content, parental controls, bank account synchronization, savings goals.

Our experience in building a finance app for Edfundo

eCommerce App like IKEA

IKEA, the world’s largest furniture retailer, offers an immersive shopping experience, allowing users to browse and purchase a wide range of home furnishings and decor items through its app. The application features augmented reality (AR) that enables customers to visualize life-like images of their furniture and home decorations to visualize furniture furnishing items in real spaces.

What’s more? IKEA collaborated with Appinventiv to build an ERP solution that is the first point of contact for every walk-in customer, resulting in expanding the brand’s digital presence.

Estimated Development Cost: $60,000 – $150,000, nearly AUD 92,400 – AUD 231,000

Estimated Timeline: 9 – 12 months

Key Features: Product catalog, personalized shopping list, AR visualization, ERP integration, user accounts, shopping cart, payment gateway, order tracking, reviews, and ratings.

AR feature in IKEA app

Food Delivery App like KFC

KFC, one of the largest fast-food restaurant chains with a worldwide presence in 150+ countries, offers a convenient food ordering and delivery service through its app. The user-friendly application allows users to browse the menu, customize orders, and track deliveries in real-time.

The KFC app development, in collaboration with Appinventiv, resulted in a 22% increase in the conversion rate and an impressive average rating of 4.5 on both the Play Store and App Store. What’s more? The app witnessed more than a 60% increase in repeat purchases, while 50% of total orders now come through the app, indicating its significant role in driving sales and retaining customers.

Estimated Development Cost: $60,000 – $150,000, nearly AUD 92,400 – AUD 231,000

Estimated Timeline: 4 – 6 months

Key Features: Menu browsing, order customization, real-time tracking, payment integration, promotional offers, and customer reviews.

Our experience in building food delivery apps

Healthcare App like YouComm

YouComm, a patient communication app, is specifically designed to transform in-hospital patient communication by enabling patients to communicate their needs to healthcare providers easily and get instant medical help. This resulted in a 60% growth in nurses’ real-time response time. What’s more? The app was awarded the CT Bioscience Innovation Fund and an Entrepreneurs Innovations Award in 2019.

Estimated Development Cost: $40,000 – $100,000, nearly AUD 61,600 – AUD 154,000

Estimated Timeline: 6 – 8 months

Key Features: Customizable patient requests, real-time communication, integration with hospital systems, patient profiles, secure messaging, data privacy compliance.

Entertainment App like GullyBeat

GullyBeat is an entertainment app focused on music creation and collaboration. The app gives voice to the budding rappers and music enthusiasts of the streets, allowing users to create, share, and remix music tracks using an intuitive interface.

Estimated Development Cost: $40,000 – $100,000, nearly AUD 61,600 – AUD 154,000

Estimated Timeline: 6 – 8 months

Key Features: Music creation tools, recording and mixing, social sharing, user profiles, collaborative features, sound libraries, community engagement.

Build An Entertainment App

Education App like Bada Business

Bada Business is an educational app that provides business education and entrepreneurial training through video content, live sessions, and interactive learning modules. The app aims to empower users with practical knowledge and skills to succeed in the modern business world.

Estimated Development Cost: $40,000 – $100,000, nearly AUD 61,600 – AUD 154,000

Estimated Timeline: 6 – 8 months

Key Features: Video lectures, live training sessions, quizzes, free + premium video library, rewards, social login.

build education app

Real Estate Apps like Ility

Ility, a SaaS-based white-label real estate platform meticulously developed by Appinventiv, empowers commercial property owners to manage their multi-property portfolios. This platform revolutionizes the way landlords operate, enabling them to unlock new growth opportunities and pave the path for sustainable success in the dynamic real estate landscape.

Estimated Development Cost: $50,000 – $120,000, nearly AUD 77,000 – AUD 185,000

Estimated Timeline: 7 – 9 months

Key Features: Video tutorials, live mentoring sessions, quizzes, comprehensive library of free and premium content, social login, and advanced search functionalities.

Our experience in building real estate apps

Strategies to Reduce Mobile App Development Costs in Australia

While the development cost for an app in Australia is substantial, luckily, there are proven ways you can follow to keep the cost down. Here are the various strategic approaches and industry best practices to reduce mobile app development costs in Australia.

How to Reduce the Cost of Mobile App Development

Define Clear Requirements Early On

Clearly defining the app’s requirements, features, and goals at the beginning of the project can prevent scope creep and reduce unnecessary expenses. By planning in advance, you can build a successful app in time, even on a tight budget!

Cross-Platform Development

Instead of developing separate native apps for iOS and Android, you can opt for cross-platform development. This approach can significantly reduce costs, save time, and conserve resources by allowing you to create a single app that works seamlessly on multiple platforms.

Minimum Viable Product (MVP)

Before investing in a fully functional and feature-rich application, you can focus on developing the core functionalities first and consider adding advanced features in future updates. This MVP approach allows you to launch the app sooner, iterate it based on user feedback, raise funding, and reduce development costs.

Agile Development Practices

Adopting agile development methodologies, with their iterative and incremental approach, can help manage development more efficiently. Regular updates, feedback loops, and flexible adjustments keep the project on track and reduce the need for costly rework.

Outsource App Development

Choosing the type of app development staffing is an integral element, influencing budget, timeline, and even product quality. Instead of hiring freelancers or employing a temporary in-house team, you can outsource a dedicated development team, which offers high-quality app development at optimized prices.

Related Article: How to Outsource App Development in 2024

How to Build an App in Australia?

App development is a complex process that involves multifaceted stages, including project planning, designing, feature integration, development, testing, quality assurance, deployment, and ongoing app maintenance.

Each step must be carefully executed to ensure the seamless completion of your project, transforming your vision into a successful and functional app.

Refer to our comprehensive guide on mobile app development for more detailed insights into the app development process.

Get service assistance to build an app in Australia

How Do Mobile Apps Make Money?

There are many monetization strategies to generate revenue through mobile apps. Here are some of the most common methods you can use to monetize your app in Australia.

Monetization Strategy of Mobile Apps

In-App Advertising

Worried about how to generate revenue via your free mobile apps? Bother not! You can use in-app advertisements like banners, interstitials, videos, and native ads.

For instance, gaming and social media apps like TikTok often use in-app advertising methods to monetize their user base.

Subscription Model

In this monetization model, users pay a recurring fee to access the app’s content or services. You can offer subscription plans on a weekly, monthly, or yearly basis.

For instance, many video streaming platforms like Spotify and Netflix work on the principles of the subscription model.

Freemium Model

In this model, users can download the app for free and even access basic features at no cost, but they need to pay a price to enjoy premium services.

For instance, apps like LinkedIn and Evernote provide basic functionalities for free but charge a substantial amount for advanced features.

In-App Purchases

Some apps offer additional content, features, or virtual goods for purchase within the app itself. These purchases allow users to access exclusive content.

For instance, gaming app apps like Clash of Clans, Candy Crush, and Pokemon GO thrive on in-app purchases for virtual items and character enhancements, driving significant revenue.

Appinventiv – Your Tech Partner in Achieving App Excellence

Mobile applications have become the new norm of the modern business world, redefining the way you connect with your target audience and bring value to your business. Built with the transformative power of cutting-edge technologies like AI, ML, IoT, Blockchain, AR/VR, etc., these apps deliver safe and personalized shopping experiences to all-genre users.

Based on the endless features and benefits these apps offer to businesses and users alike, the budget for app development seems a little expensive, particularly for startups. However, that is just the initial investment; the long-term benefits far outweigh the initial mobile app development costs in Australia.

What’s more exciting? You can get optimized costs and quality expertise by partnering with a fast tech app development company with prior experience in delivering innovative and advanced apps for several big brands across industries. This is where we come in — a well-established software and mobile app development company in Australia with a proven track record of delivering 3000+ successful projects for businesses worldwide.

Our team of 1500+ tech evangelists has helped many emerging startups and established enterprises expand their digital presence by bringing their app ideas to life. No matter if you want to build a next-gen mobile app or just wish to get a precise app development cost calculator, we are here to help.

Get in touch with us and take your business to greater heights.


Q. How much does it cost to develop an app in Australia?

A. While there is no predefined formula to answer how much it costs to build an app, here are the approximate costs based on the app’s complexity.

  • Simple apps: $25,000- $100,000
  • Medium complex app: $100,000-$150,000
  • Highly complex app: $150,000- $300,000 and above

Discuss your project idea with our efficient app developers and get a detailed quotation on mobile app development costs in Australia, expected timeline, and other critical elements.

Q. How long does it take to build an app in Australia?

A. The time it takes to build an app in Australia varies based on several factors, including the app types, project complexity, features, tech stack, the expertise of the app development company, and so on.

On average, a mobile app development timeline ranges between 3 months to a year or more, depending on your unique project requirements. Connect with our efficient app developers to get a more precise estimate of the app development timeline.

Q. What are the business benefits of mobile app development in Australia?

A. Mobile app development in Australia offers several key benefits:

  • Expanded Market Reach: With a high smartphone penetration rate, mobile apps allow businesses to reach their target audience more effectively nationwide.
  • Enhanced Customer Engagement: Mobile apps provide a direct communication channel with interactive features like push notifications, chatbots, personalized content, etc., leading to higher engagement and customer loyalty.
  • Revenue Generation: Businesses can leverage mobile apps to generate more income and maximize revenue through in-app purchases, subscriptions, and targeted advertising.
  • Competitive Advantage: Australian businesses can embrace digital innovation and gain competitive advantages by meeting evolving user needs and standing out in the market.

Improved Customer Service: Mobile applications enable real-time customer support and feedback mechanisms, enhancing customer satisfaction and retention.

Sudeep Srivastava
Co-Founder and Director
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